心-Work of Heart

work of heart img



作者簡介:徐耀權於2007年創辦了Advisors in-Sync,並在2010年榮升為大東方人壽保險公司的執行縂監他和旗下團隊致力於通過完善,專業的財務規劃來改善他人的生活。此外,獲獎無數的Advisors in-Sync 還連續四年(2013年至2016年)獲得常規報廢頂尖經理獎狀,並在其中那兩年(2014年至2015年)榮獲縂業績頂尖經理頭銜。


内容簡介: 徐耀權的5G人生,保持初心為餘生增添更美麗的色彩,Gratitude,Greatness,Generosity,Growth,Be a Good-finder。正直,誠實,公正一直都是徐先生的代明詞。在人壽和保險業上有這超過23年的經驗,一直堅守著行業的原則。透過自身散發的熾熱光芒來照亮黑暗,迷茫的人,多年的經歷和領悟一一收錄在“心“中。希望用“心“幫助各位在保險業上有所成就。

Tony Gordon Route to Sales Success

tony gordon route to success



About the Author: Tony Gordon must be one of a small handful of people known wherever life insurance is sold Now recognised as one of the world great insurance salesman, yet by his own admission, his first eight tears in the business were less than mediocre.



About the book: This book tells how he made the change from mediocrity to success, his philosophy, his planning and how he spends his working day Most important of all. Tony’s easily transferable sales presentation – the actual words used to turn prospects into clients.
