


– 以最專業的技巧,嚴格地挑選合資格的壽險顧問及經理。

– 招募有意以壽險業作為專業之新晉,藉以建立一個直屬或分支的銷售架構。

– 以專業的方法及資源給予壽險顧問足夠的訓練及管理,以確保他們能為客戶提供專業意見及高質素的服務,並能於最短時間內踏上成功之路。

– 每年均鼓勵同業參與一些有助於自我發展的研討會,如:GAMA Convention,GAMA Day或同類型活動。藉此幫助他們在事業發展上不斷更新,以求達至爐火純青、聲名顯赫、獲得最大成就。

– 鼓勵壽險顧問加入及支持香港人壽保險經理協會;參與協會主辦之會議和活動,共同遵行同業守則。

– 以公正、真實又不誇大的事實來招募準壽險顧問及經理,讓他們能自行決定是否加入我的營業區份。

– 敦促任何我想增員的壽險顧問或經理,在決定轉投我的旗下前先與他們的現任上司研討他目前的發展狀況。

– 我的基本信念是以領導者的角色支持壽險業的制度。相信當人遭逢死亡、殘疾、年老及有緊急事故時,人壽保險及殘疾保險是對有急需之市民提供金錢及穩定收入的最好保障工具,以免他們陷於經濟困境之中。



BECAUSE the institution of life insurance renders an economic and social service that is unique and of great benefit to society, because it is a trusteeship that requires constant service, and because matters the affect its progress are of vital concern to all and because the representatives of life insurance constitute its most important liaison with the public which it serves; and because it is of the utmost importance to maintain the high ethical standards of the institution of life insurance;

THEREFORE, I believe it to be my responsibility:

– To select my agents and managers carefully, using the best available techniques, so that only the qualified shall be placed under contract.

– To build a sales organization by recruiting people new to the business who intend to make life insurance, in one or more of its branches, their full-time career.

– To provide adequate training and supervision, using the best available methods and materials, so that the agents placed under contract give sound advice, render quality service to policyholders, and achieve financial success at the earliest possible moment.

– To encourage my associates to continue their development with sound self-improvement programs from year to year, such as GAMA Convention, GAMA Day and other similar courses, to the end that they may reach the highest level of proficiency, and achieve prestige and maximum satisfaction in their work..

– To encourage membership in and support General Agents and Managers Association of Hong Kong by attendance and participation in meetings and to follow their rules of conduct.

– To present fairly and honestly, and without exaggeration, all facts which a prospective agent or manager should have in determining whether to accept a contract with my agency.

– To urge any agent or manager with whom I am discussing potential employment to review the agent’s present general agent or manager before reaching a decision.

– To take a leadership role in advocacy of the agency distribution system and in the fundamental belief that life and disability insurance are upon death disability, old age and during emergencies the best products to provide cash and income when most needed by my fellow citizens who seek self-determination and personal freedom.

In general, I shall endeavor and encourage others to practice the “Golden Rule” in all aspects of our professional lives and in so doing, strive to gain the respect of our contemporaries and life our profession to the highest level of public esteem.



LAMP Asia 2024

GAMA LAMP Asia 2024

【LAMP Asia 2024 – 10月登陸香港】金融保險業界嘅年度盛事,一個雲集業內領袖精英嘅交流研討會,GAMAHK 今年更有幸同 GAMA Global 一同主辦,將亞太壽險領袖峰會 2024 LAMP Asia 2024 帶嚟香港!今年以「傳承智慧 開創未來」為主題一連 3 日假香港會議展覽中心舉行。


立即報名參加 GAMAHK Foundation 慈善巨 SING

GAMAHK Foundation 慈善巨 SING 2024

GAMAHK Foundation 慈善巨 SING 2024 返嚟喇!用歌聲為弱勢社群帶嚟希望✨發揮你嘅影響力!



2024 年 GAMA 榮譽獎項頒獎典禮

今屆以「群龍綻放 閃耀香江」為主題💃🏻🕺🏻,共筵開75席,各HOH和最高管理成就獎(MAA)得獎者、嘉賓、公司代表都以盛裝出席👠,不單一同見證同業嘅輝煌成績,更是回顧過去一年辛勞拚搏嘅重要時刻💝!各得獎者,包括兩位到場嘅HOH菁英領袖謝國輝、黃海鵬,與連續30年榮獲MAA嘅容永祺更喺台上分享得獎感受同成功秘訣🎙️,佢哋當晚嘅無私分享令人動容🥹!
