LAMP Asia Header

Day 1 - November 18, Wednesday

時間 地點 內容
0900 – 0905 Main Stage Opening Ceremony
0905 – 0910 Main Stage Event Kickoff
0910 – 0915 Main Stage GAMA Rock Song
USA – Skrizzly Adams, American Rock Artist
0915 – 0920 Main Stage LeaderSHIFT
USA – Farshad Asl, Bankers Life
0925 – 0955 Main Stage From Moon Shots to the Gig Economy:
New Risks and New Opportunities
USA – Steve Rader, Crowd Resources Consulting
0955 – 1000 Coffee Break
1000 – 1100 Sessions Beacon Best Practice Session:
 1 Your 100 Year Manifesto
USA – Mick White, 100 Year Manifesto
 2 LeaderSHIFT
USA – Farshad Asl, Bankers Life
 3 Fired
USA – Melissa Worrel, Carlson Group
 4 Inflection Point
USA – Troy Korsgaden, Korsgaden International
 5 Organic Farming
USA – Matt Foxhall, Equitable
 6 The Team Game: How Your Business Can Dominate Year After Year
USA – John Bucsek & Bellaria Jimenez, MassMutual
 7 Getting the Most Out of Your Development Meetings With New Advisors
Canada – Jason McMahon, Freedom 55 Financial
 8 Why They Refer: How I Built My Team Using Only Advisor Referrals
Canada – Peter Furlong, Freedom 55 Financial
1100 – 1110 Coffee Break
1110 – 1150 Main Stage Let Your Light Shine!
USA – Sol Hicks, Hicks Global Services
1150 – 1155 Coffee Break
1155 – 1255 Sessions Beacon Best Practice Session:
 1 Engaging the New Generation, Embracing Millennials
Hong Kong – Alex Yung, GAMAHK
 2 Living Out Prosperity From the “Situation”
Hong Kong – Keith Tse, GAMAHK
 3 Embracing Change as Agency Managers in This VUCA
Philippines – Jo-An Darlene Chua, Spark Amber Life Insurance Agency
 4 Talk Lessons From 25 Years and Beyond
Philippines – Marita Abellera, SUNLIFE Financial
 5 How to Build a Professional Financial Advisor Team
Thailand – Mongkol Lusamlit, WDC Group
 6 From Top of the Table to MDRT Builder
Thailand – Dr. Haruthai Kraiwapan, AIA
Vietnam – Thang Duc Nguyen, FIRST STEP Jsc.
 8 Some Useful NLP Techniques for Agency Leaders
Vietnam – Nguyen Khac Thanh Dat, Phu Hung Life Insurance Joint Stock Company
1255 – 1300 Coffee Break
1300 – 1310 Main Stage Keynote Presentation: Coming Soon…
1310 – 1320 Main Stage Exponential Growth in the Virtual World
USA – John Baier, 25 Point Systams
1320 – 1330 Main Stage Addressing the Trust Gap!
USA – Miguel Taveras, Hoopis Performance Network
1330 – 1340 Main Stage Taking Control With a Positive Perspective
USA – Eszylife Taylor, Taylor Method
1340 – 1350 Main Stage Can Remote/Virtual Advice Really Work? Learn From Adam Holt the Critical Steps for Delivering an Awesome Sales Experience!
USA – H. Adam Holt, Asset-Map
1350 – 1520 Break
1520 – 1620 Sessions Beacon Best Practice Session:
 1 Management – Guidance with Care
Hong Kong – Marine Yu, GAMAHK
 2 Excellence is Cultivated
Hong Kong – Willis Wong, GAMAHK
 3 Boost Team Performance During Tough Times
Philippines – Mary Ann Uyching, AXA Philippines
 4 GAMA’s Best P’s
Philippines – Danny Alimorong, AXA Philippines
 5 The Influential Leader
Thailand – Napatchasa Tharacheewin, Bangkok Life Assurance, PCL
 6 How GAMA Changes My Life Forever
Thailand – Ramida Attachinnapat, FWD Thailand
 7 Building a Strong Agency
Vietnam – Pham Kim Dung, Bảo Việt Nhân Thọ Bắc Bình Định
 8 Business Relationship Management
1620 – 1630 Coffee Break
1630 – 1715 Main Stage Living a Life Without Limits
Australia – Nick Vujicic, Attitude Is Altitude
1715 – 1730 Main Stage Closing Remarks
1730 Day One Event Conclusion

Day 2 - November 19, Thursday

時間 地點 內容
0900 – 2000 Hall of Stars Awards & Recognition Program
1800 – 1900 Hall of Stars Solutions Hour
1900 – 2000 Sessions An Evening With Icons:
1 Hong Kong
USA – Tim Schmidt
2 Philippines
USA – Phil Richards
3 Thailand
USA – Troy Korsgaden
4 Vietnam
USA – John Baier
2000 – 2030 Main Stage Hall of Stars Rock Concert
USA – Skrizzly Adams, American Rock Artist
2030 – 2035 Main Stage Closing Remarks
2035 Day Two Event Conclusion

Day 3 - November 20, Friday

時間 地點 內容
0900 – 2100 Hall of Stars On-Demand Leadership Studio

The program rundown is subjected to final changes by GAMA Global without prior notice.


LAMP Asia 2024

GAMA LAMP Asia 2024

【LAMP Asia 2024 – 10月登陸香港】金融保險業界嘅年度盛事,一個雲集業內領袖精英嘅交流研討會,GAMAHK 今年更有幸同 GAMA Global 一同主辦,將亞太壽險領袖峰會 2024 LAMP Asia 2024 帶嚟香港!今年以「傳承智慧 開創未來」為主題一連 3 日假香港會議展覽中心舉行。


立即報名參加 GAMAHK Foundation 慈善巨 SING

GAMAHK Foundation 慈善巨 SING 2024

GAMAHK Foundation 慈善巨 SING 2024 返嚟喇!用歌聲為弱勢社群帶嚟希望✨發揮你嘅影響力!



2024 年 GAMA 榮譽獎項頒獎典禮

今屆以「群龍綻放 閃耀香江」為主題💃🏻🕺🏻,共筵開75席,各HOH和最高管理成就獎(MAA)得獎者、嘉賓、公司代表都以盛裝出席👠,不單一同見證同業嘅輝煌成績,更是回顧過去一年辛勞拚搏嘅重要時刻💝!各得獎者,包括兩位到場嘅HOH菁英領袖謝國輝、黃海鵬,與連續30年榮獲MAA嘅容永祺更喺台上分享得獎感受同成功秘訣🎙️,佢哋當晚嘅無私分享令人動容🥹!
