GAMAHK DAY 暨新春午聚 2025
GAMAHK DAY 暨新春午聚 2025已於2月14日順利舉行,感謝各位贊助公司代表、行業友會及合作伙伴出席,各位嘉賓的到來令活動生色不少,當日與大家共度一個浪漫的新春佳節,現場更有醒獅助慶,祝賀大家新一年︰客似雲來、爆人爆數、生意興隆!
DetailsHarry P. Hoopis entered the Life insurance business with Northwestern Mutual Life in 1968 as a college agent in the company’s highly successful college internship program while studying accounting at University of Rhode Island.
Upon graduation, Harry took a full-time contract with Northern Western Mutual Life and began his career in selling. In 1974, he moved to Milwaukee and took a position as Assistant Superintendent of Manpower Development. Harry was appointed General Agent in 1977 at the age of thirty.
In the 19 years since his appointment as General Agent, his Northfield, Illinois agency has experienced phenomenal growth with sales rising during this period from 50 million to over 1.60 billion in face amount in 1995. His field force has increased from 34 agents in 1977 to 175 agents currently under contract. His associates have put 10 billion of new insurance in force, bringing the total in force business of the agency to over 12 billion. The 1995 Total first year commissions on Life, DI, Group, and Equity Products were nearly $7,000,000.
In addition to its rapid growth, the agency also has diversified and today offers clients service in fee-based financial planning, group insurance, person consulting, and securities. Harry also is co-owner of Coordinated Sports Management Group which represents over 100 pro-athletes.
Harry is a charter “Master Agency Builder” and has won it every year since its inception. He has received the 1988 Yates Memorial Award presented by the Los Angeles General Agents and Managers Association, and is in the 1995 edition of Who’s Who, in the world. Harry is a frequent speaker at company and industry meetings and has made presentations to over 100 groups in the last 5 years around the world. He is past President of Northwestern Mutual Life’s General Agents Association and the Chicago General Agents and Managers Association, and begins serving as President of the General Agents and Managers Association’s 9,000 member organization in April of 1996.
Harry resides in Lake Forest, Illinois with his wife Bea. His daughter Krina is teaching English in Costa Rica and his son Peter is a freshman at the University of Denver.
現任﹕臺北南山人壽保險股份公司省北地區副總經理。 臺北市中國文化大學校友會榮譽會長﹐華崗學會常務理事﹐華崗文教基金會理事﹐五心協會常務理事﹐中華安親學會常務理事﹐中華民國保險行銷協會常務理事。
Benny Tay began his career in the Life Insurance business with the Prudential Assurance Co., Singapore in 1973. He was one of the leading agents in the Company’s S.E. Asian Network before aspiring into Agency Management.
His commitment towards excellence in Agency Management is evidenced by the spawning of leading associates. In fact he was the leading agency for Prudential from 1989-1992.
Over the years, he was served as both the executive committee as well as sub-committees of the LUA of Singapore.
Benny’s inspirational presence earned him invitations to speak on many industry platforms within the region. He has also spoken in Workshops and Seminars of various industries internationally.
Trained as a medical doctor and psychological counselor, Dr. Philemon Choi is a founding member and currently the General Secretary of Breakthrough. Under his leadership, Breakthrough has developed from one magazine to a multimedia youth organization. He is also active in community affairs, and is appointed by the government as members of various committees related to youth policy and youth services.
Dr. Choi is a regular seminar speaker on matters related to youth among Parent and Teacher Associations, school services, church fellowships and international conferences. He is also an author of a few best sellers and a regular contributor of youth magazines. His recent titles include You Can also Plan for Your Life. A Father Whom You Have Never Encountered. To Build a Magnificent Marriage, Conquering Fears – To My Sons, Meeting Life and Death, and Understanding Suffering.
Lawrence Chen is professional in providing psychological and consultative services to various corporations, universities, hospitals and professional organizations. Assessments and trainings are provided in the areas of managerial styles, leadership and personality profiles, stress management, assertive training, conflict management, team work, group dynamics, etc. He works with individuals on their works and family relationships. (In-depth psychotherapy is provided to clients who are working on personality issues, past traumas and family dynamics.)
Dr. Chen travels extensively to Europe, America, Asia and other places each year to speak at conferences and training seminars. His bachelor degree and study included international economics and biochemistry at Cornell University. He also received two Master degrees. His doctoral research was in the area of self Image and family relationship. (He received his doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Biola University, Rosemead School of Psychology.) Currently, he is a member of the American Psychological Assoication and the Hong Kong Psychological Society.
Mr. Chan entered the insurance field after graduating from the Hong Kong University in 1966. He was the General Manage (Life) of the China Underwriters Insurance Co. Ltd., and then the Managing Director of Insuright Insurance Brokers Ltd. Before joining the agency business as the General Agent of National Mutual (then Sentry Insurance) in 1982.
Mr. Chan now runs a 40-person unit, heads a 260-person agency and in total covers seven agencies in National Mutual responsible for about one-quarter of the company’s production. During 1995, his personal production qualifies for MDRT, his unit earns him LUA’s Distinguished Manager Award, and his agency GAMA’s Master Agency Award. He serves in the government’s Insurance Advisory Committee, and the Hong Kong Insurance Industry Coalition, is the Executive Committee Chairman of the Liberal Party and Director of the GAMA, writers commentaries, and above all these, he still found time to run a Legco campaign last September.
Apart from being the Founding President of LUA, Mr. Chan is Past National President of the Hong Kong Junior Chamber of Commerce, Past President of the Rotary Club of Hong Kong North, and Past Chairman of the Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club.
He will share his rich experience of leadership and time management with you in his talk entitled “Leading or Managing”.
Peter, a Life Member of the Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong, started his insurance career in 1975, and has held senior management positions at both agency and corporate level. Peter has been platform speaker and workshop leader at over 70 seminars, conventions and workshops in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and USA. He designed, organized, and conducted the Effective Selling Workshop and the Professional Trainer’s Workshop, and has trained over 1500 agents and managers. His involvement and contribution, in the training activities of the Lions Club International Hong Kong and Macau, has been recognized most outstanding. In his insurance career, Peter has won numerous awards; and solicited the largest life case, in Hong Kong, of annual premium HK$ 1.9 million in 1988. He believes in continuous learning and education, and earned his MBA at the age of 42, and the AIAA designation in 1996.
Miss Teresa So graduated from the University of Ottawa, Canada with a major in Marketing and Business Management. Upon her graduation, she entered the sales field as an Assistant Sales Manageress with a real estate company upon her graduation. Miss So discovered that selling is a very challenging career which requires drive, ambition and the desire to be successful.
Since joining the Prudential Assurance Company Limited in 1983, Teresa managed to be ranked among the top three producers every year until 1989. While she started to take up the managerial capacity in late 1985 and allocated more energy on agency development, she still maintained her personal production at the top chart. She had also demonstrated her skills in management by achieving the highest average production per agent in the Company in 1987; as well as the Top Unit of the year both 1988 and 1989. She was also awarded Manager of the Year and Senior Branch Manager of the Year in 1989 and 1994 respectively. Apart from producing significant business value, Teresa managed top quality business. She was awarded winner of the Group Persistency Award.
In the aspects of public awards and professional recognition, Miss So is a three-time awarded of the Distinguished Salesman Award presented jointly by the Hong Kong Management Assoication and the New York Sales Executives Club. She is also the first member of Prudential (Hong Kong Branch) who qualifies for the Million Dollar Round Table, a world-wide professional body which represents the top 6% of the Insurance and Investment sales people. This year would be her tenth consecutive year to achieve such an honor. She is now a qualifying life member of the Million Dollar Round Table. Teresa was appointed as Local Chairman and Zone Chairman of the Membership Communication Committee by the Executive Committee of the Million Dollar Round Table in 1991 and 1995 respectively. Teresa was an awardee of the Career Development Award (CDA) and National Management Award (NMA) – Gold Award by the General Agents and Managers Assoication in 1995 and 1996.
With her remarkable achievements in the life insurance industry, she was invited by the President of the Life Underwriters Assoication of Hong Kong to join the Executive Committee as the Publication Chairman in 1990. Since then, she had taken up various posts in the Executive Committee of the Life Underwriters Assoication of Hong Kong. During her term of presidency in 1994, the General Agents and Managers Assoication and Life Underwriters training course of the United States were brought into Hong Kong. Teresa is now Past President of the Life Underwriters Assoication and Vice President of the General Agents and Managers Assoication of Hong Kong. She is also a member of the Insurance Agents Registration Board of Hong Kong Federation of Insurers and the chairman of the working committee for the formation of the LUA Foundation in Hong Kong.
Teresa has been involved in speaking at industry and company seminars and conferences for over 7 years. She has spoken to life insurance sales meetings and sales groups in Hong Kong and South East Asia. Teresa is looking forward to more and greater challenges with tremendous confidence for the future and she definitely believes that “Commitment to Service” is the key to success.
From the year 1974 to 1977, Mr. Kelvin Wong studied in the University of Hong Kong and received the degree for Bachelor of Science majoring in Biology. During this time, he was recognized as a prominent member in the students activities role. As the Presdient of the sports Assoication of HK University Student Union in the year 1976 to 1977, he was also the University team bridge player and he has been swimming champions many times at internal and external tournaments.
After graduated from the University of Hong Kong, he joined Manulife in September 1977. HE is now the Senior District Manager of the Hong Kong West District managing a sales team of over 210 people. During his service in Manulife, he has won many awards and prizes in managing the sales team.
One of the high point of his career in Manulife was in 1995 when the sales team of his District performed exceptionally well. Under his guidance, his District’s sales team became the top Production District in Manulife both in Hong Kong and Worldwide. He has also won the Distinguished Managers Awards of 1995 and 1996, which was organized by the LUAHK. This achievement emphases his leadership ability and particularly his strength in running a sales team.
Mr. Terence Yee joined AIA in 1983.
Year Awards
1984 -Top Ten Agent of Year
1985 -Top Regional & Company wide Agent of the Year
-18th Distinguished Salesman Awardee (DSA) of HKMA
1986 -Top Assistant Unit Manager (AUM) of the Year
1987 -Top Regional & Company wide New Supervisor of the Year
1988 – 89 -Top Regional & Company wide Supervisor of the Year
1990 – 92 -Top Regional & Company wide Manager of the Year
1993 – 1st Distinguished Manager Awardee (DMA) of the LUA
Qualification of Convention
1985 – 86 – M.D.R.T. Member
1989.91.93 – AIG President Round Table
15th – 19th – a 250% qualifier of Summit Club
1st – 8th – a Qualifier of Dragon’s Meeting
External Activities
1995 – LUA 8th Convention Chairman
– Graduated from University of Southampton in England in 1978.
– A Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong in 1981.
– A Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales in 1986.
– An Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore in 1995.
– President of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International in Asia.
– Extensively experienced in speaking in various professional and Christian seminars in Hong Kong and overseas.
– Well experienced in instantaneous translation for foreign speakers. Especially famous for his unique vivid translation and yet maintains its preciseness.
GAMAHK DAY 暨新春午聚 2025已於2月14日順利舉行,感謝各位贊助公司代表、行業友會及合作伙伴出席,各位嘉賓的到來令活動生色不少,當日與大家共度一個浪漫的新春佳節,現場更有醒獅助慶,祝賀大家新一年︰客似雲來、爆人爆數、生意興隆!
DetailsGAMAHK 周年晚宴暨 2025 年董事局就職典禮於 12 月 13 日假合和酒店圓滿落幕。我們非常榮幸邀請到行政會議成員及立法會議員陳健波 GBS, JP 及吳維權先生 保險業監管局行為監管部主管(署理)蒞臨現場擔任主禮嘉賓、為活動增添光彩。