
GAMA Award 2004 Criteria (2004年壽險經理國際榮譽獎項準則):

* Production Requirements (US$)

Equivalent to(HK$)

FilingFee (US$)

  Career Development Award
  National Management Award
$600,000+ V
$1,200,000+ V
$1,800,000+ V
Master Agency Award

* Conversion factors:  around 6.5167

General Requirements:

  1. The Applicant(s) must be a 2003 and 2004 GAMAHK member in good standing.
  2. Only First Year Commission paid in 2003 is counted and it comprises of:
    • FYC for Individual Life Business (50% of total minimum requirements)
    • FYC for Employees Benefits including Mandatory Provident Fund
    • Commission for General Business
    • Annual premium annuities, single premium annuities
  3. An applicant must be a field management person who directly manages people and activities that generate sales.
  4. In cases of disagreements (about commissions or agent supervision), an applicants home office shall provide the final decision.
  5. The home office of the applicants company must certify all applications.
  6. The filing fee must accompany the application.

Special Requirements of each award:

  1. Career Development Award (CDA):
    • Applicants must be a 2003 & 2004 GAMAHK member and meet all general requirements.
    • Only FYC paid to the applicants and agents direct supervised by the applicants will be counted.
    • Personally supervise at least 5 full-time career agents under direct team/supervision as at 31st December, 2003.
    • The applicant must have recruited at least three new sales representatives during 2003 or maintained the same number of sales representatives under his/her supervision for one year and there must have been at least a 10 percent increase in average commissions per representative during 2003.
  2. International Management Award (IMA):
    • Applicants must be a 2005 & 2006 GAMAHK member and meet all general requirements
    • Determined by FYC paid in 2001 for the applicants 1st, 2nd and 3rd level agents, i.e. production from direct managers agents and indirect managers agents will be counted.
  3. Master Agency Award (MAA):
    • Applicants must be a 2003 & 2004 GAMAHK member and meet all general requirements.
    • The 2004 Master Agency Award is based on the 125th top commission credit figure received by GAMA International for 2003 MAA qualification year.
    • Determined by FYC paid in 2003 for the applicants 1st, 2nd and 3rd level agents, i.e. production from direct managers agents and indirect managers agents will be counted.
    • By qualifying for the MAA, applicants automatically qualify for the IMA at one level, and no additional filing fee will be incurred.
  4. Proper use of GAMA Award logos: 
    • Only all current year qualifiers are authorized to print the current qualifying GAMA Award logo/logos in their business card, stationery, letterhead or promotional materials.
    • The qualifying period to use the award logo is 1st May 2004 to 30th April 2005.
    • They are not allowed to print or deliver any previous qualifying GAMA Award Logo/Logos in their business card, stationery, letterhead or promotional materials. But they can mention the history of qualifying awards in their introductory brochures or flyers. You may refer to the attached appendix for further information.
  5. The full membership fees for MAA or IMA Platinum qualifiers is $300, which is an increase from last year.GAMAHK will pay the Ordinary membership fee at USD50 for each members of GAMAHK).Therefore,the applicants of IMA (P) & MAA awards should pay the affiliate membership fee of US$250 themselves.



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GAMAHK DAY 暨新春午聚 2025已於2月14日順利舉行,感謝各位贊助公司代表、行業友會及合作伙伴出席,各位嘉賓的到來令活動生色不少,當日與大家共度一個浪漫的新春佳節,現場更有醒獅助慶,祝賀大家新一年︰客似雲來、爆人爆數、生意興隆!


AGM dinner

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GAMAHK 周年晚宴暨 2025 年董事局就職典禮於 12 月 13 日假合和酒店圓滿落幕。我們非常榮幸邀請到行政會議成員及立法會議員陳健波 GBS, JP 及吳維權先生 保險業監管局行為監管部主管(署理)蒞臨現場擔任主禮嘉賓、為活動增添光彩。
